DogtorRx™ Age Defense

$ 59.95

DogtorRx™ Age Defense is a veterinary grade pet supplement to provide whole-body rejuvenation to pets through the natural power of growth-factors.

DogtorRx™ Age Defense is especially beneficial to geriatric dogs with age-related symptoms accompanied by chronic pain. DogtorRx™ Age Defense is capable of resetting the body’s own regeneration capability to repair damaged joint tissues and address age-related conditions such as arthritis, giving your pup the strength of mobility.

Read what customers have to say in the Customer Review section below.

SKU: DRRX-AD Category:

Product information

Tablets per container: 60
Ingredients per tablet:
Dogforte™ (Oligopeptides) 50 mg
Other Ingredients: Selenium Yeast, Chromium Yeast, Zinc, Vitamin B6, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Dicalcium Phosphate, Beef Liver Flavor, Magnesium Stearate, Stearic Acid

• 2×1/2 tablet for dogs under 10 lbs
• 2×1 tablet for dogs between 10-50 lbs
• 2×2 tablets for dogs over 50 lbs
Administered dose: morning / evening.
Can be given as a treat or with food.
Daily serving can be increased if needed.

MANUFACTURED FOR Pet Health Ventures LLC, Las Vegas, NV 89130

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg

Customer Reviews

The Incredible Recovery of Ace

13 years old Patterdale terrier’s restored energy and vitality in just 2 weeks

8 years old Wirehaired vizsla’s recovery from serious case of hip dysplasia in just 17 days

Remarkable recovery of Sam, a 15 years old Shepherd chow mix

58 reviews for DogtorRx™ Age Defense

  1. Evelyn

    I’m pleased with the results we experienced with DogtorRx!

  2. Debbie

    Great all round experience, great product, have been using DogtorRx for some time now. The difference is noticeable in my 13 year old westshire terrier.

  3. Natalie

    This supplement is incredible! Bailey’s mobility has been restored with the DogtoRx tablets. She is a Golden Retriever and she is now 10-year-old. We look forward to many more happy years together!

  4. Emily

    Ruby is an 11 years old basset hound and she used to struggle with getting up after a nap due to her arthritis. Since starting DogtorRx, she’s back to her happy self, running and playing like she did years ago. It’s such a relief to see her moving comfortably again.

  5. Alex

    My jack russell terrier’s boundless energy had started to fade as he turned 13 years old, but after reading about DogtorRx and decided to give it a chance it changed all that. He’s back to his usual energetic self, jumping around and chasing after his toys. This supplement really works!

  6. Abigail

    Daisy is a 9 years old Golden Retriever and her hips were starting to give her trouble, and it broke my heart to see her in pain. Our groomer told me about her success with the DogtorRx tablets and I decided to give it a try. After a month on the product she’s running and playing again, with no sign of discomfort. It’s like she’s gotten her youth back.

  7. Jeff

    Diva, our 8 years old terrier has had surgery to both of her back legs and does have slight arthritis but the DogtorRx tablets twice a day really help her to keep her mobility and play with other dogs.

  8. Benjamin

    Jake is our beloved 7 years old rottweiler and he had been suffering from joint pain that was slowing him down. A friend of mine recommended using DogtorRx and after about 4 weeks Jake is much more active and mobile. His strength is back, and it’s amazing to see him moving without pain. I’m so grateful for this product.

  9. Noah

    Bentley is a big dog – a Great Dane, and he started having joint issues early on. We’ve tried everything, but DogtorRx has been the only thing that’s made a noticeable difference. He’s much more mobile, and I’m so happy to see him pain-free.

  10. Matthew

    Layla is like a puppy again! Layla is 12-year-old Boxer suffered from arthritis which really affecting her quality of life. After a month on DogtorRx, she’s moving so much easier, and her energy levels are back.

  11. Zoe

    We have an 11 years old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Bella and her fur and skin have improved dramatically since she started taking DogtorRx. She used to shed a lot, but now her coat is thicker, shinier, and healthier. Plus, her energy levels are back to normal. We’re thrilled!

  12. Jacob

    I wish I had found this supplement sooner! Milo’s back issues were making it hard for him to enjoy life and we had tried many mainstream products. A friend of mine told me about the success DogtorRx has on his dog so I decided to give it a try. I’m so glad I did because Mile is running around like he’s five years younger. His mobility is better, and he’s no longer in pain.

  13. William

    Rex is 10 years old Doberman Pinscher and was really slowing down due to arthritis. We tried several different treatments, but nothing worked like DogtorRx. He’s moving freely again and even plays with the younger dogs at the park. Highly recommend this product to anyone suffering from arthritis!

  14. Briana

    I’m satisfied with the product, Lili is 14 years old, and continues with the twice a day regimen to keep her going.

  15. Chloe

    Milo’s anxiety used to be a big issue, especially during thunderstorms. Our neighbor read about the nerve-growth-factors (NGF) in DogtorRx and thought let’s give it a try. He has been calmer and less stressed during stormes and I’ve noticed a big improvement in his overall mood. It’s been a fantastic addition to his routine.

  16. Josh

    DogtorRx made such a difference! Buddy is the most loving french bulldog however he has always had hip problems, and his mobility was getting worse. After having searched on the internet and read about other pet owners’ positive experiences with DogtorRx we started using it. He’s bouncing around the house again and no longer struggling with his usual pain.

  17. Lucy

    It’s been such a relief! Charlie had slowed down a lot at 11, and it was hard seeing him struggle. After trying DogtorRx, he’s more active than he’s been in years. His energy has returned, and he no longer seems to be in pain.

  18. Ryan

    Sadie is a working dog, and she was starting to show signs of slowing down. DogtorRx has given her back the stamina she needs to keep up with her tasks. I can’t believe how much more active and lively she is now.

  19. Paul

    Great product! Both of my dogs are taking DogtorRx. It’s been several months since we started and they’ve not shown any signs of slowing down. Both senior dogs, happy to see them still active, and pain-free.

  20. Hannah

    Maggie is a 14 years old Cocker Spaniel and her arthritis was making it hard for her to enjoy her walks. Thanks to DogtorRx it has worked wonders for her. She’s walking without any signs of pain, and she seems so much happier and more comfortable. It’s like she’s young again.

  21. Sarah

    Zeus is 10 years old and his joints were taking a toll as he aged. We started him on DogtorRx, and now he’s able to move with ease. His energy is back, and he’s acting like his old playful self. This supplement is amazing.

  22. Audrey

    Cooper’s energy levels are through the roof! He is a high-energy dog (cocker spaniel), but as he got older, his joints started giving him trouble. DogtorRx has helped him regain his agility, and he’s back to playing frisbee and herding like he used to.

  23. Scarlett

    Lola is pug, she is 8 years old, and she had been struggling with mobility issues. Our holistic vet recommended using DogtorRx and she’s back to running and playing without any signs of pain. Her coat has also become shinier and fuller. I’m so impressed with the results!

  24. Christopher

    I can’t recommend this product enough! At 10 years old, Buddy was starting to slow down, and his hips were bothering him. DogtorRx has changed his life. He’s moving around with ease, and he’s more playful than he’s been in years.

  25. David

    My Australian Cattle Dog named Finn just turned 10. He has always been an active dog, but as he aged, his joints started giving him trouble. DogtorRx has helped him regain his agility, and now he’s back to herding with ease. This supplement has been a game-changer.

  26. Victoria

    Chloe is the cutest west highland terrier. We noticed that her coat was thinning and dull. Our groomer had been using DogtorRx and so we started giving it to Chloe. It was 3-4 weeks when her fur became fuller and softer again. She’s also more energetic and seems so much happier. I’m so glad we started on this supplement!

  27. Owen

    This supplement has been a lifesaver! Ace is 8, and his joint pain was making it hard for him to enjoy his walks. Since starting DogtorRx, he’s much more comfortable, and his energy is back. He even plays with the younger dogs again!

  28. Thomas

    Thanks to DogtorRx our great pyrenees Oscar’s joint pain is gone. It was really affecting his quality of life, but since taking DogtorRx, he’s been much more mobile and playful. It’s incredible to see how much his energy has improved. We’ll definitely keep him on this supplement for life.

  29. Madison

    I’m so glad we gave DogtorRx a try! Max, just turned 8-year-old a German Shepherd, was having hip issues, he was in pain, and moving around was difficult. Now, his activity is back, he is running and playing with the other boys in the dog park.

  30. Aaron

    I can’t believe the difference DogtorRx made for Toby! Toby 7-year-old Beagle was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease last year, and his energy levels plummeted. Since starting DogtorRx, he’s more playful and seems much healthier. His coat has even improved!

  31. Violet

    Luna’s stamina has also greatly improved! DogtorRx has been a lifesaver! Lune’s much more agile, and I can tell she’s feeling better.

  32. Eleanor

    I’m so impressed! Jade is 13 and had been suffering from arthritis for a while. We tried DogtorRx, and the results were amazing. She’s more energetic, her coat looks healthier, and she’s back to climbing on the couch without help.

  33. George

    It’s made such a difference in her overall well-being. Mabel our 9 years old Poddle was struggling with joint pain, especially in the mornings. After a few weeks on DogtorRx, she’s more active and playful, even at 9 years old. Her coat is shinier too!

  34. Maya

    It’s amazing to see the difference! Harpers age was catching up with her, and she seemed to lose her zest for life. After starting DogtorRx, she’s back to her old playful self. Her mobility has improved, and her energy levels are much better.

  35. RaMona

    My 15 years old Husky mix Blanca has been suffering from Cushing’s for years, she’s been on Vetoryl 10mg in the morning and 10mg at night. After two and a half on Vetoryl she has outlived most statistics. I feed her low fat hi protein formers chicken formula plus boil her chicken and prescription diet metabolic can food, which she alternates between, whichever she has appetite for. I read a blog post by a holistic veterinary care clinic in Oakland, CA that refers to a scientific article on where DogtorRx was mentioned as an alternative natural supplement to address Cushing’s. I immediately ordered 2 bottles for both my dogs. My Blanca would have died if it wasn’t for DogtorRx which saved her life. Both my dogs are on it and I documented Blanca’s recovery in a video journal that I sent to DogtorRx. I can’t say enough positive things about DogtorRx and highly recommend it for dogs suffering from Cushing’s.

  36. Mark

    My boy Sammy he is a 15 years old shepherd chow mix. He has been on the DogtorRx joint supplement for 3 months and look at him. Go baby, no stiffness and no arthritis. He is enjoying life. I recommend DogtorRx to any pet owner who wants to alleviate his pet’s stiffness and arthritis.

  37. Joseph

    Amazing stuff, my dog is happier, has more energy and clearly more comfortable, really impressed and would definitely recommend DogtorRx for the older dog population.

  38. Vicky

    My 11 year old beagle had TPLO surgery this year and I put him on DogtorRx right after the surgery. His recovery has been amazing and I’m sure the DogtorRx has helped him become more agile. I couldn’t recommend them enough for any dog with age related problems.

  39. Clara

    We’ve started our 11 year old miniature schnauzer on the DogtorRx tablets and what a difference they’ve made! He is like a puppy again!! Jumping on the bed, back to climbing the stairs, and loves walks again. I’ve recommended them to my friends for their dogs, and I cannot recommend these enough wherever we’re with our baby boy.

  40. Tanya

    A product that really works for my dog!

  41. Rhonda

    If it wasn’t for DogtorRx my 14 years old Skippy wouldn’t be with us!

  42. Michael

    I’ve been hesitating to give another joint supplement to my dog after having so many promised great results. But after landing on the DogtorRx Homepage and watching Ace’s incredible recovery from arthritis I couldn’t not give DogtorRx a chance. I can’t say enough how glad I’m for taking the chance and giving it to my 15 years old labrador retriever whose recovery from arthritis has been amazing. There is real science behind this product and nothing like it on the market. Anyone with arthritis don’t hesitate like I did! Order it and you’ll be as happy you did as I’m! And your dog will thank you for it and give you many more memorable years.

  43. Donna

    Cushing’s is a nightmare and we were contemplating putting our 14 years old beagle down. This product is not known, but thanks to relentless search we found it. I don’t wish on anyone the emotional rollercoaster we had to go through over the past year. Brie is well and happy, no more sleepless nights and rushing to the vet. Give DogtorRx a chance to get back the dog you once knew.

  44. Tim

    Couldn’t say how happy we are for giving DogtorRx a chance. Our groomer has tried this supplement on her dog’s inflammatory arthritis after seeing the Incredible Recovery of Ace on the DogtorRx Homepage. It wasn’t long we started seeing improvement in Jake’s movement. We are almost through the first bottle and definitely ordering another one to keep Jake active and pain-free.

  45. Mike

    Cooper’s energy and agility have been amazing since we started him on DogtorRx. He’s an Australian Shepherd, a working dog, and I noticed his performance was slipping with age. Now, he’s back to his old self, and I couldn’t be happier.

  46. Amelia

    My Yorkie, Sophie is my little bundle of joy, but she was starting to slow down with age. DogtorRx has made her lively again. She’s jumping, running, and even her coat looks better. It’s truly given her a new lease on life!

  47. Lucas

    Charlie my Dachshund had serious mobility issues due to his long back, but DogtorRx has worked wonders for him. He’s more energetic, his back pain has lessened, and he’s even going for longer walks. I’m so thankful for this supplement.

  48. Charlotte

    DogtorRx has been fantastic for Zoey’s overall health. Her energy levels are through the roof, and her joint pain has almost disappeared. It’s so reassuring to know she’s feeling better in her senior years.

  49. Ava

    Rocky’s been on DogtorRx for 3 months now, and the change is unbelievable. He’s a Border Collie and was slowing down due to arthritis, but now he’s running around the yard with no issues. I can’t recommend this product enough!

  50. Isabel

    Lucy our Shih Tzu has always been a nervous dog, but after using DogtorRx, she’s much calmer and happier. Her mobility has also improved significantly, and she’s jumping on the couch again like she used to. It’s like she’s a puppy all over again!

  51. Sophia

    DogtorRx gave Bella her youth back! She’s a 11 years old Labrador Retriever, and I never thought I’d see her running again, but now she’s got her energy and playfulness back. Her coat is also fuller and shinier. We’re so grateful for this product!

  52. Lily

    My Chihuahua, Molly had trouble with her joints, and we were starting to worry she wouldn’t be able to walk properly. After using DogtorRx, she’s much more active and playful. It’s been a total turnaround for her.

  53. Sam

    Max our Bulldog has struggled with joint issues for years, and nothing seemed to help. A friend recommended DogtorRx, and within a few weeks, he’s moving with ease again. It’s amazing to see him so full of life.

  54. Mia

    Oliver (Oli), my Cocker Spaniel was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease, and it was heartbreaking to see him so lethargic. DogtorRx has completely turned things around. He’s back to chasing his ball and seems healthier than ever. This supplement is a game-changer.

  55. Leo

    I can’t believe the transformation in Sadie (Boxer) since we started using DogtorRx. She used to struggle with anxiety and joint pain, but now she’s active, playful, and even her coat is shinier than ever. We’re thrilled with the results.

  56. James

    Duke is 9 years old German Shepherd, and his joints have been giving him trouble for a while. After using DogtorRx, I’ve noticed a huge improvement. He’s more agile and his energy levels are back to where they were years ago. Highly recommend!

  57. Ethan

    Bailey, Beagle – I’ve tried everything for Bailey’s hip dysplasia, but nothing worked until DogtorRx. After just a few weeks, he’s able to climb stairs again without limping. He’s more playful and comfortable, and I can’t thank this supplement enough.

  58. Olivia

    DogtorRx has been a miracle for Emma! She’s 12 years old Golden Retriever, and before we started using this supplement, her arthritis was so bad she could barely stand. Now she’s running around like a puppy again! It’s incredible to see her so energetic and happy.

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Professional Reviews

Ava V. Ackerman
Medical Director, Veterinarian, DVM at the Santa Clara Pet Hospital in Santa Clara, California
“I conducted the first study to support the safety and efficacy of standardized oligopeptide formula. The study focused on aging dogs with orthopedic challenges and dogs with suspected or diagnosed Cushing’s disease. Laboratory work, including chemistries, CBC’s, thyroid and cortisol levels, was performed both before and after the administration of standardized oligopeptides. No adverse effects were noted. One participant, an aging Labrador Retriever with significant mobility problems, was taking Rimadyl and Glucosamine prior to the study with little or no results. The owner was considering euthanasia. Within a very short time after adding the formula to his diet, the dog became as mobile as a puppy. Nothing else was added or changed in his treatment. Now, two years later, this same dog is taking only the standardized oligopeptide formula and no more drugs. Remarkable results were also shown on dogs with Cushing’s disease who became active and playful again once put on this regime. Presently, I have about 25 patients taking this formula and the responses are overwhelmingly positive.”
Conducted by Ava. V. Ackerman in 2005 at the Belmont Pet Hospital Belmont, California

Dr. Gerard Buchoff
Medical Director, Veterinarian, DVM at the Longevity Veterinary Center in Whippany, NJ
“The standardized oligopeptide formula is having profound effects on over 66% of the 65+ canine and feline participants in an ongoing clinical study at the Holistic Pet Care clinic, New Jersey. It is especially beneficial in cases of hormone imbalance and neuromuscular deficiency in older dogs. Benefits are also reported in areas of strength, energy, stamina, alertness, disposition and agility. Many with poor appetites are once again enjoying food and gaining healthy weight. I also highly recommend this formula for maintaining and enhancing the quality of life for healthy dogs, as well. It varies, but I have about 45 patients on this formula.”
Conducted by Dr Gerald Buchoff, BVSc AH, Holistic Pet Care West Paterson, New Jersey, Former President of the American Holistic Veterinary Association

Dr. Gerard Buchoff
Medical Director, Veterinarian, DVM at the Longevity Veterinary Center in Whippany, NJ
“The standardized oligopeptide formula is having profound effects on over 66% of the 65+ canine and feline participants in an ongoing clinical study at the Holistic Pet Care clinic, New Jersey. It is especially beneficial in cases of hormone imbalance and neuromuscular deficiency in older dogs. Benefits are also reported in areas of strength, energy, stamina, alertness, disposition and agility. Many with poor appetites are once again enjoying food and gaining healthy weight. I also highly recommend this formula for maintaining and enhancing the quality of life for healthy dogs, as well. It varies, but I have about 45 patients on this formula.”
Conducted by Dr Gerald Buchoff, BVSc AH, Holistic Pet Care West Paterson, New Jersey, Former President of the American Holistic Veterinary Association

Dr. Neal K. Weiner Lewiston
DVM at the Animal Clinic in Lewiston, California
“In my veterinarian practice, I routinely treat dogs suffering from Cushing’s disease, joint-related issues, and from geriatric conditions. I have always been an advocate of preventative health care and the necessity of high-quality nutrition in the daily diet to promote good health and maintain a healthy life. This past year I was introduced to a new dietary supplement for dogs and cats containing standardized oligopeptides, and I now recommend them to all of my canine and feline patients to be incorporated with existing prescribed treatments. I have personally witnessed extremely impressive results within a relatively short period of time on dogs diagnosed with Cushing’s disease, and I have seen favorable results when treating dogs and cats suffering from arthritis, diabetes, hot spots, anxiety issues, hip dysplasia, and liver toxicity. Also, many geriatric dogs have now shown increased energy and mobility and a demonstrable appearance of overall well-being. Recovery time for dogs recuperating from surgeries has also been reduced. I recommend this proprietary formula for dogs and cats of all ages, to be used as a daily tool for
good health maintenance and as supplement to be used along with their existing treatment program.”
Conducted by Neal K. Weiner, DVM, Lewiston Animal Clinic, Lewiston, California